Shoujo Saturday: Suzuka by Kouji Seo


So Suzuka by Kouji Seo really isn’t counted as a Shoujo series, but it’s pure romance and drama and I’m a bit busy today so this is what I’m covering this week.

Plot Synopsis: Suzuka is a sports-themed romance comedy that intertwines the pursuit of love and athletics. The story is based around Yamato Akitsuki, a young man from rural Hiroshima Prefecture moving to the big city of Tokyo, and his new next-door neighbor, Suzuka Asahina, a skilled high jumper. Yamato falls in love with Suzuka and pursuing a relationship with her he joins the track and field team hoping to impress her.

Plot: The plot is amazing, but it does have the typical love polygon. However I still really do enjoy Seo’s works because it’s more honest to peoples feelings than most romance series.

Characters: Yamato is a likeable main character, but he’s not nearly as likeable as Seo’s later main characters. Suzuka herself is a lot more interesting.

Art: The art is Shonen, but it’s wonderfully detailed and well done.

Overall: If you like Romance, with plenty of Drama read this.

For those who like: Romance, Drama, Slice of Life series.

Not for those who don’t like: Any of the above, or cliches.

4 thoughts on “Shoujo Saturday: Suzuka by Kouji Seo

  1. Pingback: Shoujo Saturday: Kimi no Iru Machi by Kouji Seo | Windborne's Story Eatery

  2. Pingback: Shoujo Saturday: Kimi no Iru Machi by Kouji Seo

  3. Pingback: Shoujo Saturday: Fuuka by Kouji Seo [Major Spoilers for Suzuka] | Windborne's Story Eatery

  4. Pingback: Shoujo Saturday: Fuuka by Kouji Seo [Major Spoilers for Suzuka]

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