Retro Game Friday: Star Wars Rogue Squadron




This week on Retro Game friday we are covering one of my favorite Nintendo 64 games ever, Rogue Squadron!

Story Synopsis: Star Wars: Rogue Squadron is set in the fictional Star Wars galaxy, where a war is fought between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. The game’s first fifteen levels occur six months after the Battle of Yavin—as depicted in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope—and before the events of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. As the Empire gathers strength for an all-out assault on the rebel forces, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles form Rogue Squadron, a group comprising twelve of the most skilled X-wing pilots from the Rebel Alliance.

Story: It’s Star Wars, I don’t think anything need be said.

Gameplay: Amazing, every ship had different handling and was a blast to use. I personally liked the A-Wing the best, because I’ve always preferred speed and precision over brute strength in my gameplay styles.  While you could never leave the vehicles, you never felt like you had to in this game. I do wish there were more levels looking back, but back in the day I was really quite happy with how this game kept me occupied for months.

Art: For a 64 game, pretty good. However the graphics now are atrocious and show their age really poorly. I wish they’d have kept making sequels to this, because I’ve always enjoyed a good flight game that didn’t have absolutely weird flying controls. “Cough” Like the Battlefield series on consoles “Cough”.

Music: Like the story it’s a freaking Star Wars game, it’s going to sound like Star Wars.

Overall: Pick up one of the sequels, because the graphics are really annoying in this day and age. 2D games can get away with a lot more than the polygonal horrors than the N64 and PS1 generation had.

For those who like: Flight Simulators, Star Wars.

Not for those who don’t like: Any of the above.

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