Book Series Wednesday: Legion Skin Deep by Brandon Sanderson


This week for Book Series Wednesday I’m back with the sequel to Legion. It’s Legion: Skin Deep by Brandon Sanderson!

Plot Synopsis: Stephen Leeds, AKA “Legion,” is a man whose unique mental condition allows him to generate a multitude of personae: hallucinatory entities with a wide variety of personal characteristics and a vast array of highly specialized skills.

Plot: The novella is a bit longer this time, which I love because I love all of Sanderson’s works. Stephen is still searching for his benefactor and only other person who knew what was going on in his head, and while that plot thread doesn’t get resolved I’m looking forward to the third book for it to be tied up. As for this story it’s great, quite a bit like the first one it’s very fast in terms of pacing. However considering it’s a novella by Brandon, I’m not too surprised at that.

Characters: I like the new aspects we get to meet in this book and while I still would love to learn about each and every single one of them, it would have made the book much longer and taken more of Brandon’s time from the Stormlight Archive and Alloy of Law’s sequel.

Audiobook: Definitely a great Audiobook, and since this is one of Brandon’s shorter works it’s perfect for those who haven’t read any of his books yet. This is availiable via Here’s a clip from the Audible version.

Overall: Worth a read or listen to as it’s another one of Brandon Sanderson’s amazing works.

For those who like: Great Plots, Excellent Characters, Fast Paced Books, Urban Fantasy, and Brandon Sanderson.

Not for those who don’t like: Any of the above, but how can you hate that?

Book Series Wednesday: Legion by Brandon Sanderson



This week on Book Series Wednesday I’m covering a story I really liked.  I generally don’t like shorter stories, as they don’t feel complete to me most of the time. That being said it’s different when it’s Brandon Sanderson writing them. It’s Legion!

Plot Synopsis: Legion tells the story of Stephen Leeds, better known as ‘Legion’, a man whose unique mental condition allows him to generate multitude of personae. He is a brilliant problem solver, rich and quite good at what he does, helped by his hallucinations. However, he would rather be left alone, and that means no researchers or psychologists who want to get to the bottom of his abilities.

Plot: The story is quite short, being only about 5 hours long in Audiobook format, but I didn’t mind that at all, as I always enjoy Brandon Sanderson’s work. Legion is a well done story that still feels complete despite being a very short read or listen. I won’t go too much into the plot as it’s so short and I couldn’t avoid any spoilers.

Characters: Stephen is quite a character and his Aspects are quite interesting to read. I really do like all of them as it’s quite fun to read about someone with a clear mental disorder having an adventure, even if that person doesn’t really want to have one.

Overall: Another win for Brandon Sanderson in my books, this is well worth the read or listen.

For those who like: Urban Fantasy, Great Casts of Characters, Great Plot, Shorter Stories, Brandon Sanderson.

Not for those who don’t like: Any of the above.