Retro Game Friday: Cruis’n USA


This week for Retro Game Friday I’m covering a rather old classic game. It’s Cruis’n USA!

Gameplay: This is a fairly typical racing game, the only real attraction of the game was the ability to play in various locales around the US. The gameplay itself is pretty boring and not all that great. Sure you could play with others, but it was still not that great a game even with a friend playing by your side in the arcade. Don’t even get me started on the N64 version….

Art: The art has aged incredibly poorly. That is completely expected however though given that it was during the start of the 3D Era of games in the early 90’s.

Music: The music was okay, not that you could really hear it in an Arcade.

Overall: Skip this game, it’s completely boring compared to any good racing game, and doesn’t even come close to something like Mario Kart.

For those who like: Arcade Games, Racing.

Not for those who don’t like: Either of the above.

Retro Game Friday: NBA Jam 1993


This week for Retro Game Friday I’m covering another Sports game. It’s NBA Jam 1993!

Plot Synopsis: It’s a sports game, what are you expecting?

Gameplay: This is basketball without any fouls or freethrows with the exception of goaltending. It also had some ridiculous jump mechanics with players able to jump many times their own height and defy the laws of physics. It was 2 on 2 and quite fun. This inspired later games like NFL Blitz and other Midway games. It’s a pity these games are made anymore, as they are much more fun than games like Madden.

Characters: This featured real players, and even included people like than US President Bill Clinton and various mascots. Some notable exceptions were Michael Jordan and Shaq though.

Art: It’s definitely aged, but it’s aged well due to it being made with 2D graphics.

Music: I don’t remember any of it, sorry.

Overall: If you’ve never played NBA Jam or it’s sequels or counterparts in other sports you really ought to.

For those who like: Sports, Basketball, Ridiculous Game Mechanics, Fun Secret Characters, Well Aged Art.

Not for those who don’t like: Any of the above.

Retro Game Friday: Killer Instinct


This week for Retro Game Friday I’m covering a real classic! It’s Killer Instinct, the 1994 version!

Plot Synopsis: Ultratech is a very powerful megacorporation which organises a tournament called Killer Instinct. Along with regular participants, experimental creatures created by Ultratech also fight in the tournament so their strength can be tested.

Plot: The plot is pretty sparse, but given that this is a fighting game I wasn’t expecting one.

Gameplay: The gameplay was quite fun and was like a mix of both Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, Killer Instinct also had it’s own unique features like an automatic combo that occurred after a series of inputs. That being said it’s not the most amazing fighter I’ve ever played and lacked Smash Brother’s simplicity and mayhem.

Art: Decent, this was made during the beginnings of the 3D era of gaming, so it definitely has aged, but it also has some of the timeless qualities of 2D.

Music: Don’t remember a whit of it, sorry.

Overall: They made a reboot of the game, so it might be worth trying out the original if you get the opportunity of doing so.

For those who like: Fighting Games, Fun Gameplay, Decent Graphics.

Not for those who don’t like: Any of the above.